Today ( 6 August 2009) we had the great honour of a visit from Garibaldo Benifei, an Italian anti-Fascist fighter and partisan, who is now 97 years old.
Here is a YouTube clip of him talking about some of his memories.(It's in Italian, obviously!)
He came (with a younger comrade ) to visit us at our house in Nugola, to sign a copy of his autobiography and to tell us about his experiences as a political prisoner during the Fascist era and as an anti-Fascist campaigner after 1943. We owe this signal honour to the fact that he tracked down my partner, TOBIAS ABSE, in the Livorno phone-book! Toby is the author of a book about anti-Fascism in Livorno between 1918 and 1922.
(It was originally his PhD thesis, and was expanded for publication).
On Sunday we were at a dinner to commemorate the laying of a stone in memory of a young anti-Fascist who was killed in Livorno in 1922, and somebody recognised Toby's name, and....this great hero of the Resistance came to visit us! He is the president of A.N.P.P.I.A (Associazione Nazionale Perseguitati Politici Italiani Antifascisti).
Go to the link (list in right-hand column) for more information)

As you can imagine, I am really proud of Toby and his contribution to the history of anti-Fascism.
This photo is of Benifei in Rome, June 1955, at the 24th. Congress of the Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative e delle Mutue. (First on the right in the front row).
In July 2007, he and Dino Raugi received the Livornina d'Oro, the highest medal the municipality of Livorno can bestow, in recognition of their consistent anti-Fascist campaigning.
This is Toby (left) in the garden with Benifei (right, in the beige jacket), and another comrade.
And here are two more photos of Benifei and the comrade who came with him.
Oggi è morto il presidente dell'ANPI di Viareggio GIuseppe Antonini.
ReplyDeleteAlcuni di noi conoscono il figlio Riccardo, sempre presente alle feste di liberazione ed alle iniziative a Livorno con il gruppo di Linea Rossa e Partigiani Sempre.
Giuseppe Antonini, partigiano, antifascista già prima della guerra, è dopo l'8 settembre uno degli organizzatori della Resistenza nella zona di Viareggio. Nell'estate del 1944 raggiunge il distaccamento partigiano
Cartolari sulle Alpi Apuane e ne diviene commissario politico. Durante il.rastrellamento tedesco del 24 agosto guida la decisa resistenza dei partigiani sul Monte Sagro.
Come CP1921 manderemo un telegramma alla famiglia
(From RED LEGHORN, 8 OCT 2009